Monday, December 6, 2010

1,104 days later

I was cleaning up some google accounts and peeked into this bit of's hard to believe that it has been nearly four years since this undertaking.

Yes, I did do some study of the Roman empire. Then I spent about six months planning a trip, and in June 2010 my husband, daughter, mom, dad, and mother-in-law took a 12 day trip to London and Rome. I've also immersed myself in the court of Henry VIII. Go ahead, ask me about one of the six wives. Thank you Dave Ramsey - we saved ahead and paid for it in cash, and are planning for the next trip - everyone wants to go back to England. Except Grace, who would rather go to a motel pool.

The tulip tree in the back yard was dead. It is now a fire pit. And Grace is finally reading at grade level - which is fourth. Thank you Hamilton Heights for a great program to get her on track.

I need to read this again. Since 2007 Cicero Christian Church has had a challenge to read the new testament in 90 days, the old testament in 274 days, and the gospels in a harmonious manner in 31 days. Maybe it is time to institute the hard challenge again in 2011. And blog it - that sure did keep me accountable and on track.

And I wish I still looked like my profile picture - my daughter pointed to the computer screen and said "that lady looks like you."