Sunday, October 21, 2007

Day 56 ~ 23 years of warnings

  • Jeremiah 10:12 - another support of Genesis creation by God
  • 12:2 - hypocrites - "You are near in their mouth But far from their mind"
  • 12:21 - Anathoth - Jeremiah's town at the time of his calling (1:1), a Levitical city (Joshua 21:1-3), home of Abithar the priest (1 Kings 2:26). This should have been a city that was a model of righteousness, but instead threatened Jeremiah's life rather than heed his warnings.
  • 12:15, 16:15, 23:3, 24:7 - promise that after the captivity, the remnant will return to Jerusalem.
  • 11:14, 14:12, 15:1 - don't waste your breath or your prayers - God will not hear them, not even if Moses or Samuel appeal
  • 15:4 - Manasseh's deeds were the last straw -(he built idols to Baal and sacrificed his child to them)
  • Jeremiah appeals to God to strike down those who persecute him (15:15, 18:18). God tells him he will be redeemed from the wicked (15:21). In chapter 18 he reminds me of David calling down God's wrath on his enemies.
  • Jeremiah is told not to marry or have children - he will be sparred mourning them. chapter 16
  • 17:9-10 - our hearts are deceitful, but God tests it, our fruit matters to Him.
  • 17:19ff - Jeremiah is instructed to appeal to Jerusalem to honor the sabbath day
  • 19:10 - seige against the city will be so great that people will resort to cannibalism
  • chapter 20 - Jeremiah is imprisoned by Pashur, a priest/chief governor.
  • 20:9 - In the face of so much persecution for his message from God, Jeremiah tries to hold in the message and not speak of it, but he was compelled to do so.
  • chapter 21 - now the King (Zedekiah), who is at war with the king of Babylon (Nebuchadnezzar) wants to know what God says? He wants Jeremiah to butter up God who will use his "wonderful works" to save his people. The Lord's response is that He is warring against Judah, not Babylon - Babylon is just a weapon of choice. Your choice city will burn.
  • 22:14 - clueless king Jehoiakim, during this time of oppression and high taxes, choses to build himself nice new house.
  • Chapter 23 - false prophet tell the message that "it's going to be okay" but that goes against the scripture. Check those who say they are messengers of God against scripture - God will not contradict His word.
  • 24:33 - what is an oracle? a prophet? a "crystal ball", urim and thummin? something through which God speaks?
  • chapter 24 - God will sort out and encourage/equip those in captivity for a strong remnant to return (I think of Daniel)
  • chapter 25 - in the fourth year of Jehoiakim's reign in Judah, the first year of the new king of Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, Jeremiah's 23rd year of preaching God's message of the impending destruction, Jeremiah days Babylon will carry off Judah for 70 years, then they will be punished.
  • 25:17-26 - international wrath to come.

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