Sunday, November 4, 2007

Day 68 ~ Jesus' ministry begins, disciples chosen

Chapter 1 - The lineage of Jesus (through his earthly father, Joseph; his line through his mother is in another gospel) contains some familiar names now, doesn't it. I'm assuming that Jews can trace lineage after the silence of the 400 years since Malachi and know who the people after Zerubbabel, which is the last familiar name to us. There is so much mathematical beauty to the Bible, much of it hidden it the details. Here, 1:17 tells us the 14 generations from Abraham to David, from David to Captivity, from captivity to Christ. Wonder what happened 14 generations after Christ?
  • 2:6 - quoting from Micah to King Herod, and King Herod is scared for his political office.
  • Chapter 2 - isn't it interesting how Egypt is interwoven into the history with Israel. Again, they provide a place of safety for the new king. After a time, they returned to Israel, but not to their original home, instead settling in Nazareth were they felt more safe from the political ruler.
  • Chapter 3 - John kind of reminds me of Ezekiel and all the weird things he had to do as object lessons to the people. John was a little rough around the edges. We learn more about him in another gospel (cousin of Jesus, about 6 months older).
  • This whole thing of baptism is just plopped right down for us. Wonder what the history of this ritual is? It wasn't in the old testament, was it? And here, it is an act of confession of sins. Why wouldn't they just sacrifice - the temple is still around? At any rate, his baptism was different that Christ's, because Christ would include the Holy Spirit. John baptizes Jesus and the Spirit of God "alighting upon him" - just what he needed for the next 40 days of temptation to come. He was prepared.
  • Chapter 4 - quite obvious - after 40 days and nights of fasting, Jesus was hungry (4:1). Jesus quotes Deuteronomy - we'll learn that he knows the scriptures inside and out, but so does the Tempter.
  • The ministry begins - 4:17.
  • Chapter 5 - begins gathering disciples, starting with the fishermen Simon Peter and his brother Andrew and James and his brother John.
  • 4:23 Synagogues - this is a new thing since Malachi as well.
  • Beatitutes Chapter 5, also in Luke 6.
  • Salt and Light 5:13-16
  • He came not to get rid of the Law, but to fulfill it (5:17-18)
  • This got Jimmy Carter in trouble. Why in the world did he agree to be in Playboy anyway? 5:28
  • Jesus is putting an ethical twist on strict rules, making them think of the context, not just act by rote.
  • Chapter 6 - don't let your acts of worship to God be known - charity, fasting, prayer - no one needs to know other than God, who will reward you.
  • 6:1-4 - do your charity work in secret - don't be a show off.
  • The prayer of example - The Lord's prayer - 6:9-13. Praise, thanks, petition
  • 6:19-34 - don't worry, God will provide, keep your treasure in heaven
  • Chapter 7 - don't judge; do unto others what you want them to do to you; follow the narrow path; you will be known by your fruits; wise/foolish housebuilders. Note in 7:29 that the scribes have lost their authority in the eyes of the people.
  • Chapter 8 - healing of leper, centurion's servant, Peter's ma-in-law. Jesus says that the Jews won't believe (8:10-11); no where to lay His head; calms a storm - rules nature (did you know the Sea of Galilee and Morse Reservoir are the same length - 7 miles? - the sea of Galilee is much wider, but this puts in perspective how small it really is - not a sea at all.); demons fear Him and recognize who He is. Why did they want Jesus to leave? (8:34)
  • Chapter 9 - Jesus has the power to forgive sins, considered blasphemous. Adds Matthew to his crew. 9:13 - quoting God's words mentioned many times in the Old Testament "I desire mercy and not sacrifice". Healings: dead girl raised, woman touches robe, blind men, demon-possessed mute. Harvest is plentiful, laborers are few (9:37)
  • Chapter 10 - the disciples are listed - and he gave them power over unclean spirits, and to heal. Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James, Thaddaeus, Simon, Judas. He sent them to the lost sheep of Israel - that's his first goal, and they depend on the kindness and peacefulness of strangers to meet their needs. He warns them of the trouble they will encounter, and tells them they will be given the words to say by the Spirit. Don't fear those who can only kill the body, but not the soul - they are trying to save the lost from the one who can kill both the body and soul. Following Christ will be costly.
  • Chapter 11 - John the Baptist - Jesus says "he is Elijah who is to come". Wonder what that means. Jesus is thankful that he has men with open minds to help Him. Jesus' yoke is easy and burden light.

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