Friday, November 9, 2007

Day 73 ~ the chronological gospel

Luke tells us in the third verse that he is writing in consecutive order. He starts with John the Baptist, who is from the tribe of Levi.
  • 1:15 - John is filled with the Holy Spirit in his mother's womb
  • :74 - serving God without fear can be accomplished through Christ

Chapter 2 - Quirinius is the governor of Syria - I love these details that can be corroborated in historical evidence and thus proving the factuality of the Bible. Also, verse 3:1 gives some excellent info to check against Roman history.

This is the chapter that is read on Christmas morning in my family before any presents are opened. I can remember sitting in jammies with a tape recorder as dad read to us and recorded it for my grandparents living in Florida to listen to. There is a great photo somewhere of what I call the "refuge" christmas - Todd, Christy and I in underwear and t-shirts, sitting crosslegged in front of the christmas tree with the worst possible posture ever. We progressed on to a video tape machine in the corner. There was always some twist to the wrapping - three big piles covered with newspaper, presents wrapped but labeled only with numbers 1, 2 or 3, or the sleeping bag christmas when all the presents were hidden under the blue patch quilt patterned bags. I now know as a parent that my folks simply didn't have the time to get them all wrapped. I'm sure some years they didn't have the money or time to shop until just before the big day. Some years they attempted to hide them in advance from us, but attic access in the garage proved to be a poor choice. We also were good at shaking, or opening and rewrapping.

  • 2:24 - Joseph and Mary offered a sacrifice at the temple according to the Law of Moses for their new Son.
  • 2:36-37 - Anna, widowed after only 7 years of marriage, served out her life in the temple in a ministry of prayer - what a crown of glory to see the Messiah in her old age

Chapter 3 - I wonder how much before Christ's ministry began did John begin his ministry? We know he was well known at the time of Jesus' ministry.

  • 3:6 - "all flesh shall see the salvation of God" - quoted from Isaiah 40:5. The blood of the cross covers all, back to Adam.
  • 3:23 - begins the geneology - again through Joseph - all the way back to Adam. I thought one of these geneologies traced it from the side of Mary as well. Guess we have to wait for John to see. Jesus' ministry begins about his 30th year.

Chapter 4:6 - the fallen earth has been handed over to satan, per satan

  • 4:14 - news about Jesus spread - was this even before he had done any miracles? Perhaps some time has passed. In 4:23, it alludes to some miracels already done by not told in Luke. And in Mark, several miracles are recounted before Jesus goes to Nazareth.
  • 4:30 - "passing through their midst" - hwo do you go from being nearly thrown off a cliff to walking away - did Jesus change bodily form to escape? like a ghost?
  • Jesus did a lot of teaching throughout the synagogues before he picked his disciples.
  • 4:37 - word was spreading about Him
  • 4:38 - Simon (Peter, see Matthew 8:14) - when was he actually called as a disciple? It seems he may have been the first, and that Jesus had a relationship with Peter's family.

Chapter 5:10 - Simon, James and John were partners in fishing.

  • :16 - Jesus seems to re-energize through prayer
  • :17 - were there times when the power of the Lord was not present for healing? What would those times have been? Did Jesus run out of juice, and have to recharge through prayer and fasting? Or was the power constant?
  • :27 - Matthew (Levi) the tax collector joins the disciples. Looking back at Matthew's gospel, he doesn't recount any of the activities of the disciples together until the Sermon on the Mount, which occurs in part in Luke 6 starting with verse 20. Based on the chronological account per Luke, this makes sense.

Chapter 6:12 - disciples vs. apostles. Apparently Christ had many followers he called disciples, probably including Mary Magdalene and Mary mother of Jesus. But the inner circle of twelve he calls his apostles. Only the men who studied with Christ are called apostles. There are no modern day apostles, but there are modern day disciples.

6:38 - "For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you"

Chapter 7 - do you notice that Capernaum (on the northern edge of the sea of Galilee) is a home base for Jesus? One of the sites we visited when we went to Israel in 1998 was Capernaum, and we stood on the ruins of a first century synagogue that was built on the remains of the synagogue that was mentioned in verse 5. Visit here for a picture of what I'm talking about -

  • :18 - I would have thought that God would have made it known to John that Jesus was the One, but apparently not. Wasn't it clear from chapter 3 when John baptized Jesus?
  • The woman who cries and washes Jesus' feet with her tears is often said to be Mary Magdelene. But that is not clear here.

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