Thursday, November 8, 2007

Day 71 ~ Crowd pressing in from all sides

Thinking through Matthew, I wondered if Jesus and the disciples ever offered a sacrifice. Doesn't seem that there would be a need since Jesus could forgive. They went to the temple, the celebrated the passover feast. Also, it would seem that the high priest would be very busy with sacrifices and such around the temple, but apparently he had time for all the political play going on.
  • 1:12 - the Spirit drove Jesus to the wilderness for the temptation
  • :15 - Jesus told them to believe in the "gospel" - what was the gospel to them?
  • :20 - what happened to Zebedee. His wife, the mother of James and John, is mentioned a couple of times in Matthew. Zebedee is mentioned here as being left with the hired hands and James and John go with Jesus.
  • :24 - the demons know who Jesus is, also vs. 34
Mark makes the multitudes and the pressing of the crowds more apparent, more pressing, more exhausting, more constant. Jesus tells many of those he heals, and the demons that he cast out, to be silent about who He is and what He has done. Is this to help with crowd control? or reverse psychology to spread the word?
  • :43 - this is another instance, as was verse 24, where Jesus told those healed not to tell of who He was

Chapter 3 - disciples are named and charged. Mark calls Peter "Simon" and Matthew "Levi" and the Sons of Thunger James and John "Boanerges".

  • 3:21 - He is out of His mind - are they talking about Jesus (I think so) Why do they say this?
  • 5:13 - what would Jews do with 2000 pigs? They can't eat them.
  • 5:19 - the demon possessed man was told to tell his friends. This is the opposite - usually Christ tells them to keep silent
  • 5:30 - Jesus felt the power go out of him when the woman touched his robe. Did the healing take a physical toll on Christ?
  • 6:13 - disciples anointed with oil those who were sick. Did Jesus ever do this? He sometimes used his spit.
  • 6:52 - part of the reason that the disciples didn't understand is that they had hard hearts.
  • 7:24 - Gentile girl healed (not a Jew). The mother argued successfully with Jesus with the dog / crumb analogy.

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