Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Day 70 ~ Jesus sings a hymn

Matthew Chapter 22 - many are called but few are chosen (or few make the cut). Parable of the wedding guests - you better come with your game clothes on if you're given a chance to hit the field. The greatest commandment is the shamah - Deut 6:5-6

Chapter 23 - Scribes seem to be in an elevated position since the old testament. Thye have created additional rules over those given to Moses and complicated things - all for show. They were mentioned, and I really never knew what they were, so I guess I should finally look it up. Interestingly enough, the reference says "scribe" can be confusing. sometimes it means "lawyer" meaning a teacher of the law. During the reign of David and Solomon, it was like an administrator similar to secretary of state. In other times, they were more like recorders, chroniclers or historians, recording history as it happens (this is what I think of). But in Jesus' day, scribes had become a learned class in Israel who studied the scriptures and served as copyists, editors and teachers. Once qualified through years of training, they could act as judges, rabbis and joined the chief priests and aristocratic families who made up the Jewish council.

Chapter 24 - signs of Christ's return. This chapter deals with two separated but connected things - the soon-to-come fall of Jerusalem (again) and the end times when Christ returns after his resurrection and return to heaven (hasn't occurred yet). It's hard to tell them apart. If you were to read this outside of context of other scripture, say Revelation, then you could think that the tribulation at the end of the times would occur with believers going through the tribulation. The desecration of the altar is talked about - it will occur when the Romans destroy the temple in about 35 years after Jesus' death, and will occur again after the temple is rebuilt in the future. This is a piece of the pre-post-mid tribulation puzzle. I guess the main point is to be ready at all times, don't be caught off guard, know what you believe.

Chapter 25 - Chief priest vs. high priest. I think I was confusing chief priest with high priest before and didn't realize it until I read about the high priest (only one) being Caiaphas. The priests can't "get Jesus" on their own, they have to resort to trickery and their goal is death of Jesus.
  • Jesus is anointed with oil in preparing his body for his death.
  • Judas sells him out.
  • Jesus celebrates his final passover. It appears that passover has become part of the routine once again instead of forgotten in the past.
  • :27 - Jesus is the blood of the NEW covenant
  • :30 - Jesus and the disciples sing a hymn. I guess I always thought about singing to Jesus, but it's kind of cool imagining Him singing.
  • :32 - Jesus says he will reappear in Galilee (after his death)
  • :33 - Peter - bullheaded and proud, is corrected by Jesus when he says he won't deny Christ.
  • :41 - the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak - pray is a key to avoiding temptation
  • :47 - hail, hail, the gang's all here - in the garden of Gethsamane - multitude led by Judas, chief priest, elders - but it doesn't say soldiers. Wonder if the other gospels provide that fact.
  • :60 - two false witnesses testify - remember OT law requires two witnesses to allow for discussion of death

Chapter 27 -

  • :1 - Chief priest and religious leaders know they can kill him according to Jewish law, but the need more plotting to make it "legal" in roman law.
  • :18 - Pilate knew the religious leaders motives - envy
  • :52 - I don't think I caught this before - when Jesus dies, graves were opened and fallen saints rose up and appeared to many in town. interesting. folks had to know something was up!
  • :58 - imagine Joseph of Arimathea going to Pilate and asking for Jesus' body. I think of it being dark and being dimly lit by candles, a very intimate exchange between the two men, perhaps Pilate even discussing how he felt. Just my imagination.

Chapter 28 - Jesus reminds them that he will see them in Galilee. The plot thickens with the religious leaders - lies get bigger and more costly to cover their tracks. The chapter ends with Jesus reappearing before his disciples and the great commission.

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